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Brainspotting Trauma therapy

trauma-informed therapy for adults

You’ve tried everything to feel better, but nothing’s really worked.

Despite trying therapy in the past, you haven’t really gotten what you want out of it. You feel like it hasn’t addressed what you are really wanting to deal with.

You’re still struggling with:

  • negative core beliefs

  • the same patterns

  • lack of understanding of what is underneath the behaviors

  • the inner critic

Anxiety & depression feel like they rule your life.

Noticing the impacts of painful experiences and ready to finally feel some relief.

Feeling triggered in new ways and ready to figure out what is underneath these triggers.


Brainspotting can help you find the clarity you are looking for.

This specialized approach releases trauma from its stored position in the brain and body, allowing integration of the experiences into the whole body system.

  • Brainspotting is based on the idea that our visual field can lead us to the source of emotional and physical pain in the body.

    With the use of Brainspotting, we stimulate, focus and activate the body’s inherent capacity to heal itself from trauma.

    If you are a researcher, please read more about Brainspotting here.

  • After identifying what you want to process or feel less activation about, we will work together to identify a ‘brainspot’ or visual spot that correlates with the physical or emotional feeling you have in your body. After we find the brainspot, I will encourage you to notice what comes up. The role of the therapist is one of witnessing and co-regulating and less about asking questions. The longer you can stay in the emotional brain, the more processing and integration of your experiences can occur. Brainspotting sessions last from 50 minutes to 3 hours (with breaks as needed). Brainspotting therapy intensives are useful to really address a specific area you want to feel relief from.

  • Brainspotting is a powerful therapeutic tool that helps process and unravel stuck and unresolved issues. It can bring up feelings to express, sensations to release and memories to process. It can often lead to powerful insights and new perspectives on old issues. It can help you process trauma and feel less activation or somatic symptoms.


where you look affects how you feel.

Dr. david grand, developer of brainspotting

who it’s for

Brainspotting is for you if…

  • You’ve experienced complex relational trauma

  • Are struggling with your inner critic & want relief now

  • Notice patterns in your relationships that aren’t healthy & you want to get unstuck

who it’s not for

Brainspotting is not for you if…

  • You’re not interested in getting to the root cause of your issues

  • You’re not able to self-regulate

  • You only like cognitive talk therapy

intensive therapy options, just for you.

EMDR Therapy Nashville, TN
  • Sessions are 90 minutes once a week for 10 weeks. Choose a specific area of focus so that you go deep and experience relief.

  • Brainspotting intensives are a powerful and effective way to jumpstart the therapy process, get unstuck, or process trauma. You can book 3 consecutive days of Brainspotting therapy (3 hours each day). These are perfect for those who are ready for a breakthrough.

    More info can be found here.

  • Sessions are 3 hours once or twice a month. Some clients meet with another therapist for additional support for daily stressors, allowing us to focus entirely on the trauma you’d like to process with Brainspotting.

together, we will:


the connection between the physical & emotional aspects of what triggers or bothers you. I invite you to leave the judgment and bring the curiosity.


how all of your life experiences connect with one another. Your triggers today often started a long time ago. By addressing what bothers you today, we will also allow your brain and body to process what has been stored & unprocessed in the body from a long time ago.


a sense of clarity about your life experiences, yourself & what you really want out of life.

Please know this:

Healing is possible.

  • While I cannot guarantee Brainspotting will work for you, I have used it for years and have had clients come back and specifically request to Brainspot a specific issue because of its effectiveness. I gently walk you through the whole process so that you know what to expect.

  • I regularly collaborate with other therapists! If you enjoy talk therapy with your current therapist, you may want to consider coming to me just for brainspotting some specific issues.

  • Talk therapy only gets you so far. We can talk all day about your problems. I personally want you to feel better as quickly as possible. You have suffered long enough.

    Brainspotting is a powerful tool that allows you to get to the core issues of what is troubling you. My clients often walk away with their own internal insights from Brainspotting in a way that talk therapy can’t touch.

  • It is likely you have heard of EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing). Brainspotting was developed as an offshoot of EMDR. Both are brain-body somatic approaches, use bilateral stimulation, require minimal talking in session and help you process information stored in the amygdala.

    EMDR has a specific protocol to follow and takes multiple sessions to reprocess past trauma. Brainspotting is more flexible and relies on the attunement between the client and therapist. Brainspotting allows for the client to change eye positions or close eyes if that is more comfortable.

    Both are effective models for trauma reprocessing.

    For more info read here.

  • Simply fill out the request for a free consultation form. I’ll answer whatever questions you have & we will get you on the path to feeling better soon!

frequently asked questions